Preparation for working with DSPElib using Visual Studio 2019
1. Visual Studio 2019 – installation (community edition will work)
- C++ support must be installed
2. Optionally install Graphviz https://graphviz.org/ for dot files convertion to graphic formats.
3. Optionally install Doxygen (https://www.doxygen.nl/) which can be used for generation of library documentation from source code.
- subfolder Doxydoc contains doxygen configuration files and windows batch files for documatation generation using doxygen.
4. Open main solution DSPE_lib.sln from main library folder
5. Select solution configuration: Debug or Release
6. Select solution platform: x64 or x86
7. Compile whole solution or separate projects
- main library project: DSPElib
- compiled library files will be stored in "{solution folder}\..\_DSPE_lib_VStudio_" folder
- compiled example projects exe files will be located in "{solution folder}\examples" folder
8. Wiki
- https://git.pg.edu.pl/dspe/DSPElib/wikis/git_access